
You have found my little slice of the internet! By day I work as a software engineer, building apps, websites, and complex systems with cool people.

When I am not working, you will find me on my own video game adventure, hiking in the mountains, building a custom keyboard, or at the climbing gym.


I started coding in 2016 through a first year engineering course at UVic. I knew at the time I had a knack for computery stuff but boy was I in for a ride. Not long after, I got into web development and have been hooked ever since. Here is collection of a few of my personal endeavours from over the years:

These days I am working for a Victoria, BC based video game and software studio called Hololabs, working on all kinds of cool projects.


Although I am rarely ever carrying anything more than my phone camera these days, my first foray into the professional world was in photography. Here are a few of my favourites:
